
Appetite loss

Pregnancy is one of the special moments when you are applauded for gaining weight and eating your favorite food as much as you want. Gaining enough pregnancy weight is critical to provide nutrients and support your baby’s needs. 

Loss of appetite during pregnancy

🤢Nausea and vomiting

Loss of appetite is one side effect of morning sickness and nausea.🤢 When morning sickness strikes and smell sensitivity triggers, you naturally walk away from strong scents, including the foods you once loved.🍲 Your appetite consequently becomes a bit shy when it comes to food. 

🤢Mental health conditions

Due to various physical and biochemical changes, you are prone to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.😟 Depression during pregnancy is associated with decreased appetite for healthy food, increased intake of unhealthy food, leading to lower nutrients for the baby development.👶 

Health disorders may go undiagnosed if you don’t speak up because of embarrassment. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, please consult with doctors and trusted health professionals.👩‍⚕️ 

🤢Phobia of weight gain

You are afraid of gaining weight because you might adhere to a certain weight stigma or portray weight gain as a flaw.🙅‍♀️ You are worried that you’re not able to return to your old body once you eat vociferously.😟 If you’re experiencing this sense of anxiety, please consult with doctors or therapists. 

How to treat appetite loss during pregnancy

🤢Eat small meals

If your appetite loss is linked to nausea or vomiting, you can try to distribute meals into small portions but more frequent meals throughout the day. Little by little, you’ll get used to the foods and increase your food intake.😋🍛

🤢Food prioritize

Take your prenatal vitamins daily to ensure both you and your baby are getting enough nutrients. Drink plenty of water.🚰 You can try many kinds of foods that are simple to make, filling and easy on your stomach such as protein-rich snacks, bland veggies, fruits, or soup.🤤