
Foods to avoid during pregnancy

You’re eating not only for yourself but also for the baby. When you’re pregnant, you should always stay alert and avoid all items that could potentially make you sick or badly affect your baby’s health condition.

Why should you avoid certain foods during pregnancy?

Some foods are a shelter of bacteria like E.coli.🦠 Meanwhile, pregnancy also diminishes your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to all ailments like flu or common cold.🥶 

You are more likely to get sick or suffer from complications such as miscarriage or premature delivery if you have foodborne illness.😟 The disease which crosses the placenta will harmfully affect your baby, developing severe birth defects or serious infections.😔 

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

🐟High mercury fish

Fish is loaded with brain-boosting nutrients and omega-3.🐟 However, some fish contain a dangerous level of mercury that is detrimental to your baby’s developing nervous system.🧠 

The bigger and older the fish, the more mercury it carries. Avoid shark🦈, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and bigeye tuna. Limit white albacore to 6 ounces a week. Fish such as salmone, anchovies, cod, catfish, shrimp, trout, or sardines can be eaten up to 8 to 12 ounces per week. 

🥩Raw, undercooked food

Refrain from blood-red meat🥩 because they can harbor bacteria causing food poisoning such as E.coli or Salmonella. Uncooked fish in sashimi🍣, raw oysters should also be off-limits because the danger of ingesting bacteria or parasites is too high. 

Dishes having undercooked eggs🥚 are so prevalent such as soft scrambled eggs, homemade mousse, raw batter or cookie dough, mayonnaise. Pregnant moms🤰 who consume these rampant raw and undercooked eggs are prone to Salmonella infection.

☕Too much caffeine

Caffeine wakes you up when you’re tired. However, too much caffeine can interfere with the ability to absorb iron, leading to anemia.☕ 

It is time to switch to decaf ones. You should consume no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day. Any caffeine sources such as chocolate🍫, black or green tea, energy bars and coffee-flavored desserts, ice cream🍨, yogurts should also be controllably devoured to ensure the 200 milligram limit. 

🥛Unpasteurized dairy and juices

Dairies such as skim milk🥛 and cheese🧀 can be a healthy part of your pregnancy diet. However, anything containing unpasteurized milk is a big no-no since they might have Listeria and other pathogens. Check your products’ label before making a purchase.🐄 


Alcohol is extremely harmful to your health during pregnancy so avoid it at all cost.🍷 The concentration of alcohol that goes into your bloodstream is also the same as that enters your baby, resulting in fetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause facial deformities and intellectual disability.☠️ 

Toast happy events with healthy fruity juices! If you’re concerned about alcohol that you drank before you knew you were pregnant, please consult your worries with doctors.👩‍⚕️