
Metallic taste during pregnancy

Having a metallic taste in the first trimester is a common symptom. It soon will go away when you enter the second trimester, so don’t worry too much about weird taste. 

Metallic taste

🤮What is metallic taste?

Your recent experience of having weird metallic taste is called dysgeusia. You may find yourself craving acidic and salty foods to counteract this unpleasantly bitter, sour, and burnt taste.🍲

🤮Causes of metallic taste

During pregnancy, a surge of estrogen hormone can heighten your sense of smell and taste.👄 Increased sensitivity to bitter tastes may cause some difficulties for you to design your daily menu items.🤔 

How to get rid of the metallic taste

🤮Good oral hygiene

Brushing and flossing frequently can freshen the taste of your mouth.🦷 Gargling mild solutions such as salt water can also alleviate the discomfort.😃

🤮Tart, acidic foods

Acidic foods can counteract this metallic taste. Try drinking lemonade🍋, eating citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, or vinegary foods.

🤮Mint gum

Chewing sugarless mint gum can reduce the taste and stimulate saliva production.😃 Then you can drink water to wash all the taste away.🌊

🤮Change prenatal vitamin

Some prenatal vitamins having high iron content may worsen the metallic taste. Consult with your doctor for accurate information.👩‍⚕️