
Pregnancy cravings

Pregnancy cravings are routines for you at the early stage of pregnancy. If you’re having cravings, go ahead and indulge in moderation. Remember to choose healthy options!

Pregnancy cravings

Sometimes, you feel like eating ice cream in the middle of the night.🍨 You want weird combinations of food or non-food items such as chalk, dirt. 

Some cravings are worth paying attention to.🍲 If you’re suddenly addicted to laundry starch and dirt or clay, you might suffer from iron or zinc deficiency. A craving for red meat can be a transparent need for protein supply.🥩 

These connections between what you crave and what you need are not scientifically approved. There is no clear explanation for food cravings.😃

What to do about cravings

The best solution is to eat what you want, satisfy yourself with your favorite food and indulge in moderation.🙆‍♀️ Don’t overeat anything because a healthy diet that meets all nutritional and emotional requirements is the most important thing.😃 

If you crave nonfood items, you should talk to your healthcare provider. These items are not meant to be human-friendly as an edible so make sure you discuss with your doctors before deciding to consume them.👩‍⚕️⚠️