Growing a new person in your body takes a toll on your body. You should expect some body aches and pains along the way.
Causes of body aches during pregnancy
😩Hormonal changes
Surges of relaxin and progesterone hormones relax your ligaments and joints to prepare your body for labor.🤰 Your body then feels all the aching and pain😫 as these unstable ligaments slightly move.
😩Weight gain
You’re gaining weight and putting extra pressure on your joints. Your growing uterus👶 also shifts your center of gravity and stretches abdominal muscles, causing inevitable pain to your back and spine.
Relieving body aches in pregnancy
You can apply heating pads, a hot water bottle on your abdomen. However, don’t apply heat to your body for longer than ten minutes because you don’t want to heat up your baby.👶
One of the best remedies to reduce pain is to stay physically active.🚶 Pregnancy safe exercises help keep weight gain in check, strengthen muscles, support your blood circulation🩸 and reduce swelling.
Common body aches in pregnancy
Feeling a squeezing pain on both sides of your head is a sign of tension headache.🤕 It’s usually a harmless symptom due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow.
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels🩸 in the rectal area due to straining during bowel movements. The growth of the uterus puts pressure on your rectal veins, making you feel downright painful.😩
Burning sensation in your chest strikes you after you eat. During pregnancy, progesterone hormone relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the stomach acid🍲 to travel up your throat. Your baby👶 also contributes to pushing on the stomach and adding to the burn.
😩Leg cramps
Leg cramps🦵 can be rooted from vitamin deficiency, electrolyte shortage or other reasons. Changes in your body🤰 during pregnancy can cause unprecedented pains in your body.
😩Carpal tunnel syndrome
During pregnancy🤰, you experience tingling pain in your hands✋, wrists and arms. Extra fluid and swelling are the main culprits causing these symptoms.