
Cholestasis of pregnancy

Cholestasis of pregnancy is a liver problem that occurs in late pregnancy. The condition triggers itching without a rash and leads to worrisome complications such as preterm birth, respiratory distress syndrome, or meconium aspiration.😟👶

Cholestasis of pregnancy

Cholestasis causes severe itching and yellow skin🟡 when bile starts building up in the liver. Bile is made up of cholesterol, bile acids, bilirubin, water and electrolytes. After it passes out of the liver, it is stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine to break down fats.🥩 

If the bile transportation to the gallbladder is inhibited or slowed down, bile acids accumulate in your liver and spill out into the bloodstream🩸 and tissues, causing severe itching and yellowing of your skin, eyes👁️ and mucous membranes.   

Symptoms of cholestasis

🙁Intense itchiness

Severe itching without a rash is the most noticeable symptom of cholestasis.🙁 Although itching affects your palms✋ and feet🦶, you can possibly see it anywhere on your body. 

🙁Lack of appetite

You may feel nauseous🤢 or uncomfortable, and you don’t feel like eating🍲🙅‍♀️. You may also experience pain in your upper right abdomen.


When bile acids go to your bloodstream🩸, bilirubin also enters your blood. You soon notice your skin or eyes turning yellow.🙁 

🙁Abnormal urine and feces

Your urine may look darker than usual. Your stool turns lighter and grayish.🚽

Treatment of cholestasis

🙁 Diagnosis of cholestasis

Blood test🩸 and liver test are two main criteria to determine whether you have cholestasis. The doctor👩‍⚕️ will check whether your liver is working well and examine the level of bile acid in your blood. You may also have an ultrasound exam of the bile ducts. 

🙁 Treatment of cholestasis

Cholestasis treatment often uses ursodeoxycholic acid to reduce the amount of bile acid in your blood🩸 and improve liver function. Try to wear soft and loose clothes👚 to feel more comfortable. You can also apply an ice cube🧊 over your itchy skin for relief.