
Common pregnancy skin problems

Along with the pregnancy glow, your skin shows some acne, rashes or melasma. You might look more like a pimple-faced teenager. Of course, you don’t welcome all these skin problems but they are coming inevitably.😃

Common skin problems during pregnancy

🤰Varicose and spider veins

These blue or purple veins🩸 that usually show up on your legs🦵 are the result of the pressure caused by your heavy uterus. They may also appear as dilated veins without discoloration on your skin.

Spider veins are tiny red veins on your body or your face when you’re pregnant. Both of these veins will soon go away after you deliver your baby.👶

🤰Stretch marks

Your effort in gaining weight to support your baby is engraved on your body through stretch marks. They show how much and how quickly you gain weight and are definitely something that should be rocked with pride.🤗 

Although there is no real cure for stretch marks, there are some creams that claim to ease itching and help them fade over time.😃


All the hormones accumulated during pregnancy can cause oil glands to secrete more oil, causing breakouts on your face.🙁 Consult with your doctor👩‍⚕️ for prescription medications you can try during pregnancy. Your acne should get better after your baby is born. 

Other skin problems during pregnancy

🤰Itchy skin and rashes

Itchy rashes are common during pregnancy. Some skin conditions such as PUPPP cause itchy rashes, small red or purple bumps that can form large clusters.🙁 

🤰Melasma and linea nigra

If you notice any dark splotches on your skin, you could probably have melasma. Linea nigar is the dark line in the middle of your belly. These conditions are more prevalent among moms with darker skin types.🧑🏿‍🍳 

🤰Hair and nail changes

Thanks to sudden surges of pregnancy hormones, you will feel your hair thicker and fuller and it even grows in hidden places where you would not expect to see it.👩‍🦱 Your nails also seem to grow faster when you’re pregnant.