Uterine rupture is a rare and often catastrophic complication that often occurs during labor but can also happen in late pregnancy. It causes your uterus to tear and the baby slips into the abdomen.👶
Uterine rupture
🤰What is a uterine rupture?
An uterine rupture is a tear in the wall of the uterus and usually occurs at the site of a previous c-section incision in moms🤰 who have experienced cesarean deliveries.
A complete rupture in which the tear goes through all layers of the uterine wall causes severe bleeding🩸 and can be extremely dangerous for both you and your baby.😟
🤰How common is uterine rupture?
Uterine rupture is relatively rare if you have never had c-section or other uterine surgery. It is more common if you try to have vaginal delivery after having had c-section in your first pregnancy.🙁
Signs of uterine rupture
Since ruptures often occur in labor, you may not be able to tell all the signs immediately.🤔 The first sign of the rupture is the baby’s distress and abnormal heart rate.❤️
Some possible symptoms include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, slowed or stopped labor, chest pain due to irritation to the diaphragm from internal bleeding.🙁
Causes of uterine rupture
Uterine ruptures often happen at the site of a scar from a previous c-section because the wall of your uterus is weaker along the line of previous surgery.🙁 Other factors such as congenital or genetic abnormalities🧬, other uterine surgical procedures can also cause uterine rupture.
You may suffer from permanent physical damage including inability to sustain future pregnancies.🤰 If your baby is in the womb, you may have miscarriage or your baby might suffer health conditions such as brain damage.🧠