
Membrane stripping for inducing labor

Membrane stripping, although it can be very uncomfortable, is a procedure that helps induce labor when your cervix is somewhat dilated and you’re past due date Hang in there, it only lasts a few minutes!🤗

Membrane stripping

🤰What is membrane stripping?

Membrane stripping, also called membrane sweep, is often suggested if you’re near or past your due date🤰. When your baby is already at week 41st or 42nd, the placenta may become less effective at delivering nutrients and oxygen to your little one, causing severe problems for your newborn.😟

🤰How is membrane stripping conducted?

Your doctor👩‍⚕️ inserts a finger into your vagina and up through the cervix. The doctor tries to sweep the finger between the thin membranes of the amniotic sac from the lower part of your uterus. The release of prostaglandin hormone is triggered to ripen your cervix and induce contractions.😃   

After membrane stripping

Membrane stripping is safe and effective if you’re past your due date.🙆‍♀️ The procedure is also simple and quickly done. After the membrane sweep, you can go home and wait for labor to start which will take a couple of days. If you notice any incessant bleeding or pain, call your doctor or go to the hospital immediately.👩‍⚕️🏥