
Attachment parenting

Parenting isn’t one-size-fit-alls. You might feel a lot of pressure to pick one style of parenting, in reality, the act of parenting is a true journey, not a set of required practices. You’re welcome to take your time to figure it out.😀

Attachment parenting

👪Definition of attachment parenting?

Attachment parenting is not all about a frenetic attempt to deliver the fastest responses when your baby sends a signal. It’s actually about finding a balance between parents’ lives and childcare duties.⚖️

The ancestral implication that mothers are designed to devote themselves to child-rearing to the point that they can’t have a private life is out-dated.⚠️ Something is wrong if you and your baby cannot enjoy the parenting journey. What it truly means is attending to your child’s cues and taking action accordingly that suits both you and your baby.🥰

👪Common practices of attachment parenting

If you choose attachment parenting, you may find yourself frequently holding your baby, breastfeeding🤱 whenever your little one cries even in the middle of the night.🌙 You become sensitive and responsive to your child’s emotions. You decide to co-sleep with your baby to monitor them better.

Benefits of attachment parenting

👪Secure bonds

Unlike unresponsive and more controlling parents, sensitive mothers tend to pay attention more to the child’s interests and needs.👂 The quality of communication between you and your child indicates more secure attachment relationships.

👪Promote independence

Infants are less likely to develop fearful tendencies if they know that you are always there by their side.👩‍👦 They show a greater level of positive mood, more constructive coping and better regulation of emotion on their own. 

👪Help children cope with stress

Skin-to-skin contacts and co-sleeping can help your baby develop a healthy stress response system, improved sleep patterns and better cognitive control.🧠 Once the kid receives warm and sensitive parenting, they are protected from brain-shrinking stress and autoimmune disorders.

👪Fewer behavior problems

Securely - attached children are less likely to develop behavior problems since they develop better cognitive flexibility and perspective taking-skills.🤗 Moreover, if they are engaged in mutually responsive, positive reactions with you, it is more likely that they develop consciences and comply with adult instructions.😛