
How to change a baby's diaper

Changing diapers may not be the most glamorous part of parenthood, especially when you have to do it frequently, sometimes even hourly😫. 

But trust me, it's an important part of taking care of your baby's health and hygiene. That's why we've put together a comprehensive guide on how to change your baby's diaper with ease! Are you ready? 🙂

How to tell a wet diaper from a dry diaper

When your baby feels uncomfortable with the diaper, you’ll probably notice right away with their grimaces😭. Sometimes your sense of smell helps you to figure out the timing for a diaper change! But, as we all know, the quickest and the most accurate way is to open the diaper and check inside😉. If you are in a situation where you can’t check the diaper directly, use the diaper with a color-changing stripe that is liquid-sensitive. 

How to change a baby’s diaper

🧸Step 1: Find a clean and soft surface to lay your baby on

This can be a changing table, dresser with a changing pad, crib, or bed🛏️. If you are changing your baby's diaper on a surface other than the designated changing table, be sure to cover it with a protective cloth. Your baby's safety and comfort are paramount, so choose a spot that will work best for both of you.

🧸Step 2: Clean Your Baby and open up the diaper

If a diaper is wet, fold the dirty diaper underneath your baby (so the clean, outer side is now under their bottom) and wipe the area clean.

For a solid diaper, use the diaper itself to wipe away as much as possible, then fold it underneath as previously described. Lift your baby's legs🦵 and clean their front thoroughly with warm water or wipes, making sure to clean all creases. Keep both legs up to clean your baby's bottom thoroughly.

Once you finish cleaning your baby's diaper area, remove the soiled diaper and place a fresh one underneath your baby before releasing his legs. Pat your baby dry before applying any diaper rash creams or putting on a clean diaper.

🧸Step 3: Dispose of the dirty diaper

For disposable diapers, wrap the diaper into a ball and use the tab fasteners to secure it before disposing of it in a diaper pail, trash can, or plastic bag. When you're out and about, be sure to carry a stash of plastic bags to place the dirty diaper inside. (Remember, never flush diapers down the toilet!)

Now that you've finished changing the diaper, dress your baby in fresh clothes and/or sheets as needed. 👚

Tips for a diaper change!

Should I wake my baby up for a diaper change?

Shhh🤫, unless the baby is uncomfortable or has a poopy diaper, you don’t need to wake him up. No need to change their diaper in the middle of the night because it will distract your baby from going back to sleep. If your little one is sleeping calmly, leave them until they wake up naturally. 

Is it safe to use baby powder or diaper creams on my baby?

Doctors don't recommend using baby powder during diaper changes or bath time. It is because baby powder may contain talc or cornstarch, which can irritate their already sensitive skin. Also, if the baby inhales the powder, it can be harmful to their respiratory system, which is still delicate😮. 

Diaper creams, baby lotion, or oil are also not needed when changing diapers unless your baby has a diaper rash. Instead, develop a habit of air drying the baby's bottom in between diaper changes to avoid skin rashes.