
How to safely play with your baby

Are you and your partner fans of those joyful moments when you playfully toss your little bundle of joy in the air or even dare to flip her upside down💕? As much as we all love these adorable stunts, it's important to prioritize safety first and foremost👷! 

Birth to 6 months

Early interactions with your baby build a strong bond as they gaze, turn their head, and find comfort in your voice😌. Remember to give them space when they show signs of needing a break, and reconnect when they appear calm and engaged. 

As their vision develops🫣, they enjoy objects with vibrant colors and strong contrasts. Use colorful toys to enhance their exploration and stimulate their cognitive and sensory growth. Tummy-time is also vital for their development, strengthening muscles and boosting physical abilities and thinking skills. Enjoy this fun and beneficial activity!

7 to 12 months

As your little one grows, they make big gains in learning. Language emerges, with babbling turning into words like "mama," "dada," and "baba" that they associate with mom, dad, and their bottle🍼. Their exploration expands as they transition from lying to sitting, eventually pulling themselves up and walking while holding onto furniture. Fine motor skills improve, enabling them to pick up small items, play with blocks, and search for hidden objects. They are becoming more curious and engaged in their surroundings. 

Encourage their development by providing safe exploration opportunities with toys like egg cartons, blocks, balls, and stacking toys. Make bath time enjoyable with squeeze toys, cups, and containers for splashing fun🧸. Remember to closely supervise your baby, especially near water. Foster their language skills by naming familiar and new objects, encouraging imitation, and engaging in conversations. 

Reading colorful books with large illustrations will captivate their attention and stimulate their imagination. Point to pictures, ask questions, and encourage your child to participate by pointing and answering. 

1 to 3 years

As your baby grows, their learning and curiosity thrive🥸! Let's nurture their curiosity by giving them blocks, empty containers, and puzzles to play with. Pretend play is such a valuable way for toddlers to learn and grow, so make sure to provide them with plenty of simple and safe toys that allow them to imitate what you do.

Reading time📖 with your toddlers is so important. Point out the pictures they're interested in, describe what you all see, and ask them questions to keep them engaged. Let's also sing catchy songs, recite fun rhymes, and create different rhythms using everyday items like tupperware, pots, and pans. It's a great way to have a blast together! 

It's also a great time to venture outdoors with your little ones and explore the world around you. Help them understand movement by encouraging activities like jumping, walking, and even trying to balance on one leg. Let the adventures begin!