
Exclusive pumping guide

Breastmilk? Formula? Or both?🤔 It is a question that moms can’t decide easily, especially if you are a new mom. Some moms decide to give pumped breastmilk with bottles exclusively, which is called Exclusive pumping (“EPing” in short). If you have decided, or thought of being one of them, here is a little guide to help you! 🦮

EPing is really, really hard! Why should I do it?

According to moms who’ve done it already, apparently, it is the toughest choice you can make among all the baby-feeding ways🫢! There are various reasons why moms choose EPing even though they know the fact. 

The biggest reason why moms chose to EPing is that they are in a situation where they can’t nurse directly from breasts, but still don’t want to give up the benefits of breastmilk. Their babies may be twins or multiples or are separated from their mom for many reasons - hospitalized, working mom, or preterm. Some moms just feel discomfort nursing the baby directly at the breast.

Also, if you want to monitor a baby’s milk intake and schedule feedings🍼, EPing can be a good option.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much milk should you express?

It differs for each baby, but they will take in 25 to 32 ounces of milk on average per day👶. This takes about five times to pump a day on average. However, it could be very difficult for moms to pump a full supply because every woman produces a different amount of breast milk a day. 

When would be the best time to start Exclusive Pumping?

You can start exclusive pumping as soon as your baby is born! To be prepared, renting a hospital-grade pump in advance before birth can help. Starting from the first hour after your baby’s born, start hand pumping as soon as possible💃. Start using an electric pump from the second day. You’ll need to pump at least 8 to 12 times a day on average to keep up with your baby’s demand!

How to schedule pumping?

You can schedule your pumping any time of the day that works for you! However, there are some things to keep in mind before you put it down to your scheduler. Once your milk supply starts to increase, pumping can take about 10 to 20 minutes⏱️. So try to think about times when you’ll be from your baby’s distraction! 

Any tips to make my Express Pumping easier?

To make your Express Pumping journey less stressful, try to rent a hospital-grade breast pump. There are consumer-grade pumps, but they are not suitable for moms pumping 8-12 times a day. Your hospital, pharmacy, or local breastfeeding support center can help you👩‍⚕️!

Once you are ready with the pump, set up an in-house pumping station so you can handle everything in one spot! This will make your pumping life so much easier. 

And again, caring for yourself is as important as pumping. So stay healthy🥗 and try to not get too much stress on pumping. There are apps that track the number of times you pump and get alerts, (which is very handy!) so try getting some help from it!