
Why homemade baby's formula isn't safe

Mmm, mmm, good😋! We love homemade food! They are delicious, healthy, and nutritious!

Wait, then would homemade baby formula be better than the ones in the shops🤔? The answer is NO! If you wonder, here’s why:

What is in baby formula?

Have you ever wondered what is that white powder made of? Basically, baby formula is made to replicate human breast milk as much as possible🥛. The biggest difference between formula and breastmilk is that the latter is a living composition while the formula is inert.

Purified cow’s milk is the most commonly used ingredient for baby formula. Formula made with soy milk or oat milk is often seen as well. A blend of vegetable oils is used as a fat source🫛, and lactose as a carbohydrate source. Ingredients for vitamin and mineral mix depend on the manufacturer.

Making my own baby formula at home! Is it possible?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), making baby formula at home is not safe🙅. Why is that? It’s because infants need very specific nutrition in order to grow and it’s very hard to meet all the needs at home. Commercially manufactured formulas, however, are designed to contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals well balanced.

Also, you’ll be using commercial goods as ingredients to make baby formula at home🏠 - for example, raw milk. Commercials refine those ingredients to be suitable for infants, but we can’t do that at home! 

What should I do if I can’t find baby formula around?

Middle of the night🌃, no formula, no shops open, and your baby is crying from hunger! Many of us have already dealt with, or can face this situation!

If there’s no way to get the baby formula, try calling your pediatrician or nearby clinic for help. They might have an emergency formula supply to help you👨‍⚕️. If they don’t have it stocked, they can recommend you other ways to fill your little one’s hunger. 

If your baby is approaching age 1, you might consider feeding whole cow’s milk or soy milk as the very last option. It would be a better option than giving her homemade or diluted formula! To ensure safety, ask your pediatrician for guidance in advance if your baby is good to drink these as an alternative!