
How to soothe a crying baby

Hey, mommy and daddy! I am sorry if I made you exhausted crying last night🥺. I know feeding, diapering, and soothing me can feel like a never-ending cycle, consuming most of your day and night. 

Why is my baby crying?

Until I start talking, crying is the only way I can express my feelings! Most of the time, these are the three main reasons making me want to cry: hunger, dirty diapers and stomach discomfort. 

If I start crying, it's often a sign that I’m ready for the next meal. Sometimes, my belly traps air while gulping down milk or formula, which is very uncomfortable! Wet or dirty diapers are something I hate as well! Check my diaper often so we could be all happy🧡!

I cry when I feel sick🤒. If you see me crying harder than usual, try checking my condition. If you are concerned, reach out to the doctor and monitor any signs of fever. And of course, these aren’t the only reasons making me wanna cry. When I feel tired, overwhelmed, or bored, I will start crying to let you know my feelings. 

How to soothe a fussy baby

Once you've ruled out the common reasons for my tears, it's time to try some of the techniques to soothe me and bring some relief to both of us! 

Wrap me up in a cozy swaddle. This snug wrapping in a soft blanket creates a comforting, womb-like environment that helps me feel secure and calm🥰. I also find comfort in sucking, so offer me my thumb, finger, or a pacifier to help soothe me. Use a front carrier or sling. Carry me close to you while walking around. The gentle motion and feeling of closeness can be very soothing for me as well!

Babies have different preferences on soothing. For example, some babies find rhythmic whooshing sounds calming, and some find bathwater calming! So observe me carefully, and find something that fits me will help you calm me easily!

Sometimes, hearing from an expert can provide the peace of mind you need, knowing that you're doing everything you can and just need a little more patience. Good luck mom! 😎

What to do if you feel frustrated by your baby’s crying

I try not to, but there are times I cry too much so you can’t handle it😿, and I know you feel frustrated and exhausted. Apparently, most mommies feel the same, so you are not the only one. If this happens, pass me to grandma, grandpa, friend or a babysitter and take some time for yourself.

Sometimes, soothing is needed for you as well, mom💌. If you feel you’re at a breaking point, put me in my crib and try to rest quietly in another room until you feel okay. Take a breath, call a friend for emotional support, or listen to calming music to soothe yourself. 

But no matter how discouraged you are, please never, ever shake me! It can result in abusive head trauma, even if it was very brief. It can also cause severe brain damage, or even death if it’s serious!