
When do babies learn their names?

What is your baby’s name👶? It must have taken you so much time to come up with the perfect name to call your little one, right? 

Now you might wonder: Does my baby recognize her name when I call her🤔? If she turns her head towards you when you call her or responds to you with anyhow, that is a sign! 

Here is more detailed information on calling your baby by their names!

When do babies learn their names?

Babies recognize their names around 6 and 7 months old, but the groundwork for this happens before birth. During the third trimester, they start to recognize your voice outside the womb🤰!

When babies are born, they start to distinguish their parent’s voices and the voice of strangers by gathering information about the outside world🔊. They will start turning their head towards your voice between 2 to 3 months and interacting with you. By 4 to 7 months, your baby is familiar with the caregivers and starts to recognize their names. They might even talk back with sequels like “ba-ba-ba”. Imagine how cute will that be!

How to help your baby recognize their name

For babies, building a good emotional relationship with their parents is the best way to learn their names🐣! 

Call your little one’s name as much as possible with a warm smile and calm tone of voice. Slowly with time, they will make the connection that the name you’re saying belongs to them! When you call her name, have a little chat with her even though she doesn’t fully understand! Reading🕮 is also a good way to build closeness between you and your baby. Start it when they are an infant to get used to it.

What to do if your baby doesn't know their name

Each baby has their own development pace. So if your baby reached this milestone a little earlier or later, that is completely fine🌟. However, if she responds to her name by 9 months old, you should mention it to your doctor for possible hearing problems or developmental delay👨‍⚕️.