
How to raise a happy baby

The biggest goal for all parents would be to raise their precious ones to be happy🎉! According to scientific research, the love and affection you show in the first year of your baby’s life directly impact the baby’s brain development. Then how do we make them happy? It isn’t actually as complicated as it sounds: giving them love, attention, and primary care will do💪! 

Show your baby love and attention

How do you show your love to your baby? Let your baby feel physical and emotional closeness to you is the key. You are doing great if you hug, smile, touch, and play with your adorable one often❤️! 

Experts say just answering your baby’s cries as soon as possible will be able to prevent spoiling your baby. Pay attention to their needs, such as being hungry, angry, or uncomfortable from wet diapers, and hug them as much as possible. Just responding to your baby’s needs will build a strong emotional bond, which will greatly help her development throughout her life🧸.

Talk, Read, and Have fun with your baby!

Interacting with your little one is always the best way to give a happy time to your baby! 

Have a little chat with them💬 as you diaper, feed, and bathe. If you don’t know what to say or feel a bit awkward, just describe what you are doing would work: “Mommy is preparing your meal! Looks delicious, doesn’t it?”

Reading out loud to your little one is also a good way to make a connection. Even though they don’t fully understand the story, it builds a good groundwork for their language and social skills. And you know, it is just great to just sit with them and have a cuddling time💕!

But the best way to make your baby happy is to have fun with them! Roll over, laugh, and tickle! Laugh out loud and have a happy moment for both of you (Yes, for yourself too!) They will remember the loving and warming energy and emotion throughout their lifetime!

Take care of yourself

Even with all these efforts you make, the most important thing that you should not forget is that you also have to be happy as well🥰! 

We all understand being with a baby 24/7 is an exhausting thing to do. So do what you can do to take care of yourself as much as possible. Yes, I know being a parent is spending most of the time taking care of the baby, but don’t forget that you have to be responsible for your happiness in order to do so. Prioritize taking some time for yourself. Eat nutritious food, get exercise (just taking a walk with your baby in a stroller would work too!), and ask for help from others to get some rest and sleep. If you feel like you are having postpartum depression or baby blues, find someone or a therapist👩‍⚕️ you can talk to. Don’t forget, the happy baby comes from happy parents!