
Breastfeeding -Basics and Tips

Let's look at the incredible journey of breast milk as it arrives in three stages👀, perfectly designed by nature to meet your baby's evolving needs. From the very first day to the tenth and beyond, breast milk is the ultimate nourishment for your little one😉.

Stages of Breast Milk: Nourishing Your Baby's Growth and Development

🤱Stage 1: Colostrum 

This special liquid gold is the first stage of breast milk. It's thick, rich in antibodies, and packed with essential nutrients to provide your newborn with an incredible immune boost. Colostrum is like a supercharged elixir, supporting your baby's early growth and development.

🤱Stage 2: Transitional Milk 

As your breastfeeding journey progresses, your milk undergoes a remarkable transformation. The colostrum gradually transitions into a thinner and larger volume of milk. This transitional milk continues to provide a wide range of antibodies and essential nutrients, adapting to your baby's increasing needs.

🤱Stage 3: Mature Milk 

Around the tenth day after birth, your milk reaches its full maturity. It's a true testament to the wonders of nature. Mature milk is the ideal blend of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, perfectly balanced to support your baby's growth, brain development, and overall well-being. It's like a customized banquet tailored to your little one's every nutritional requirement.

How to latch your baby onto your breast. 

To latch your baby onto your breast comfortably, find a cozy position for both of you😌. Align your baby's head, neck, and body with your nipple. Encourage them to open wide by gently tickling their lips. Bring them close and ensure their mouth covers a good portion of the areola. Look for their lips flanged outward for a proper latch. Remember, practice makes perfect🌟! Enjoy these precious moments of bonding and nourishment.

How long and often do I breastfeed? 

👶How long?

The recommended duration is exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, followed by introducing complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed until at least one year. However, the length of breastfeeding is a personal choice that depends on what works best for you and your baby. Trust your instincts and choose the duration that brings you joy and fulfillment.

👶How often?

Breastfeed your baby on demand, following their hunger cues. In the early days, it could be every 1 to 3 hours. Trust your baby's instincts and feed them whenever they show signs of hunger. Enjoy the bonding and nourishment that breastfeeding brings!