
Baby poop

Get ready for a colorful adventure in diaper land🌈! 

As your baby's feeding journey unfolds – whether breastfed or formula-fed – you'll encounter shades like sunny yellow, earthy green, and cozy brown. It's all part of the parenting palette🎨! 

How does a newborn's poop appear?

Get ready for the newborn poop🫣. A sticky, greenish-black goo that looks like extra-thick motor oil. It's a bit of a challenge to clean, so a slick of petroleum jelly beforehand might be a smart move!

Meconium is like a mixtape of amniotic fluid, mucus, and skin cells – and no, it doesn't bring along the bacteria that'll add some fragrance to future poops. That party starts after their first meal🥴. Around days 2 to 4, the poop show takes a turn. Expect a lighter shade – from dark green to yellow/green, and eventually a mustardy yellow or tan. This color pop signals their mini digestion system is kicking into gear, thanks to early breast milk or formula.

Is there a difference between poop from breastfed babies and formula-fed babies?

Breastfed babies might unveil shades like mustard yellow, green, or brown. Their poop is often creamy and slightly runny, akin to the texture of Dijon mustard blended with cottage cheese, and don't be surprised if you spot tiny seed-like bits – it's like nature's confetti😯. And hey, the scent? Slightly sweet and quite chill.

Now, let's switch to the formula-fed baby🍼. They're bringing in pasty, peanut butter-esque poop in the brown spectrum – think yellow-brown, tan-brown, or green-brown. The aroma has a bit more oomph than breastfed poop but is less intense than solid food poop. 

Baby poop colors

💩Yellow baby poop

As your baby evolves from meconium to regular poop, their transitional stool puts on a show in shades of brown, yellow, and green – a sign of the digestion journey kicking into gear with breast milk or formula. Breastfed champs often keep it classy with mustardy or vibrant yellow poop.

💩Brown baby poop

Formula-fed babies often showcase a poop palette with a stronger brown presence. Think shades like yellowish-tan/brown or even a hint of greenish-tan/brown – or straight-up brown. If your baby does both breast and formula feeding, expect a spectrum from dark yellow to brown.

Fast forward to solid foods: poop transforms into firmer, browner goodness, and yes, it gets smellier too – thanks, healthy gut bacteria! You might spot a rainbow in there too, with hues like red, blue, orange, green, or yellow reflecting their culinary adventures. Oh, and don't be surprised by cameo appearances of little food bits!

💩Black or white baby poop

Brace yourself for the black and tarry baby poop – that's the usual first act. Yet, if black poop decides to make an encore after the opening show, it could signal a potential issue. Intestinal bleeding can lead to black poop, as blood changes color over time. So, if your baby's poop journey shifts from yellow/green/brown to black, it's time to dial up the doc.

While certain medications taken by a breastfeeding mom might contribute to this curious shade, it could also signal something more serious. Think potential intestinal infections or significant liver or gallbladder issues, like biliary atresia – a clog in the pipes that transport bile from the liver to the gallbladder.